Thursday, May 6, 2010


I also failed to mention in my post yesterday that not all the weight loss bloggers are middle-aged, while females.

Perhaps my favorite blogger: Jack Sh*it Gettin' Fit is obviously male. And I've already discussed The Anti-Jared [who is also male].

I think that the online blogger weight-loss community is very open to males. I've always gotten the impression that males never felt welcome at Weight Watchers meetings [my mom used to drag my dad to the meetings] and other weight-loss ventures.

The weight-loss blogs are helping men who should lose weight understand that it's okay they aren't able to go into the gym and start lifting massive amounts of weight and run super long distances on the treadmill.
However, with that said, I'll relate female misconception to Pro-Ana.

I spent quite a while searching and I was never able to find a male Pro-Ana blogger.
Also, the prominent Fat Acceptance blogs I have found that I haven't previously mentioned are all updated by females.

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