Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weight and Emotion.

Today's post isn't going to be particularly scholarly, but I think it's important nonetheless.

Lyn's post a few days ago was a particularly emotional one that forced me to rethink the ways in which I view the weight loss process.

Although I've never been on a strict diet and I've never been obese, I've wanted to lose a few pounds here and there [you know, during those all important moments in life, like prom...which now seems rather stupid] and I've always been elated when I actually saw the the number on the scale decreasing. I've never thought about the emotional nature of a decreasing number for someone that's been used to being so large for quite a long period of time.

Questions I'm pondering today:
  • What would it be like to look in the mirror and not recognize myself? Surely I wouldn't be comfortable with that?!?!
  • What would it be like to know that all the clothing I had cherished and loved to wear no longer fit me??
  • What would it be like to deal with the issue of wrinkled/sagging skin?
  • Along those same lines, would I want to surgically want to alter that skin [a la Kate Gosselin]?
After thinking about all those things, I have come to a realization: there is so much more to weight loss than the actual losing of the weight.

The more I think about it the more I think weight loss is probably like an emotional rollercoaster. I think blogging is a way for people to connect with other taking part in the crazy ride.

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